How To Pay Off Student Loans with Credit Cards




pay off student loans with a credit card

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Student loans can be a huge burden for young people just starting in life. The good news is that there are ways to pay them off sooner than you might think. One option is using a credit card to repay your student loans.

It can be a risky move, so it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of this strategy before you decide whether or not to go ahead with it.

This blog post will explore how to pay off student loans with credit cards and help you decide if this is the right option for you.

How To Pay Off Student Loans With Credit Cards?

It’s no secret that student loan debt is a significant problem in the United States. The average graduate leaves school with nearly $30,000 in loans to pay off. For many people, this can seem like insurmountable debt. However, there is a way to pay off your student loans with credit cards.

how to pay off student loans with a credit card

The first step is to find a 0% APR credit card. This card will allow you to make purchases without accruing interest for a certain period, typically 12-18 months. Once you have found a 0% APR card, you can use it to pay off your student loans.

You will need to make sure that you pay off the entire transferred student loan balance before the introductory period expires. Otherwise, you will be stuck paying interest on the entire amount. If the proportion of loan balances to the loan amount is too high and grows out of control, that can affect everything from your FICO score to your credit limit. 

Remember a few things when using this method to pay off your private student loans.

  • First, you will need to make sure you make your monthly payments on time. If you miss a student loan payment, you could be charged interest on the entire balance of your loan, which could negate the benefits of this strategy.
  • Second, you will need to have enough money available in your account to cover the entire balance of your loan. If you only make minimum payments, it could take years to pay off your debt.
  • Finally, remember that getting a cash advance to pay off your student loan is a high-risk strategy. If you cannot make your payments on time, you could damage your credit score.

If used correctly, however, this method can help you repay your student loans in a shorter period.

Read More: Can You Pay Off a Credit Card with a Gift Card?

What Are The Pros And Cons?

Some college graduates are finding themselves in an increasingly complex financial situation. They have student loans to pay off, but they’re also trying to establish credit to buy a car or a house someday.

One option that some people are considering is using a credit card to pay off their student loans.

There are both pros and cons to this approach.

The biggest pro is that it can help you pay off your loans more quickly. When you use a credit card, you’re essentially taking out a loan with a much lower interest rate than your student loans. So, if you can make the minimum payments on your credit card and pay off your student loans as quickly as possible, you can save a lot on interest payments.

how to pay off student loans with a credit card pros cons

The biggest con, of course, is that you’re adding more debt to your already heavy load. And, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get over your head with credit card debt. Additionally, most credit cards have much higher interest rates than student loans, so if you carry an outstanding balance on your card, you could pay even more in interest than you would have with your student loans.

So, what’s the verdict? Should you use a credit card to pay off your student loans? It depends on your circumstances. If you’re confident that you can handle the additional debt and are diligent about making your payments on time, it could be a good option.

However, if you’re not sure you can handle the extra debt, it’s probably best to steer clear.

What Are The Risks Involved?

Paying off student loans with a credit card strategy is simple: you use your credit cards to pay off your student loans, then pay off your credit cards with the money you would otherwise have used to make student loan company payments.

The most significant advantage of this strategy is that it can save you a lot of money in interest payments. By using your credit cards to pay off your student loans, you’re taking advantage of the fact that credit cards often have much lower interest rates than student loans.

Another advantage of this strategy is that it can help you pay off your student loans more quickly. Using your credit cards to pay off your student loans makes larger monthly payments, which can help you pay off your debt more quickly.

Of course, there are also some risks involved in this strategy. First, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to rack up a lot of debt on your credit cards. Second, if you don’t pay off your credit cards in full every month, you’ll be charged interest on the balance, which can offset the benefits of this strategy.

Overall, this strategy can be an excellent way to save money on interest payments and pay student loans more quickly. Just be sure to use this strategy responsibly and only use it if you’re confident you can handle the additional debt.

Are There Any Other Options Available?

In addition to the traditional methods of paying student loans, several other options can help you get out of debt faster. Here are just a few:


By refinancing your loans, you can secure a lower interest rate, which will save you money over the life of the loan. In addition, you may be able to extend your repayment term, which can lower your monthly payments.

Income-Driven Repayment Plans:

These repayment plans (known as Income Share Agreements) base your monthly payment on your income and family size. As your income increases, so will your payments. It can be an excellent option for those just starting in their careers.

Loan Consolidation:

Loan consolidation allows you to combine multiple federal student loans into one new loan with a single monthly payment. It can simplify your loan repayment process and help you get out of debt faster.

Payment Deferment Or Forbearance:

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may be eligible for a deferment or forbearance, which allows you to postpone your loan payments temporarily. It can give you some breathing room to get back on track financially.

By exploring all the options available, you can find the best way to pay off your student loans and get out of debt as quickly as possible.

The Best Way To Pay Off Your Student Loans

There’s no one answer to how best to pay off your student loans. It depends on your financial situation and what you feel comfortable with. However, a few general tips can help you make the most of your money.

For example, if you have multiple loans with different interest rates, it may make sense to first focus on paying off the loan with the highest interest rate. It will save you money in the long run by minimizing the interest you accrue.

Another option is to make extra payments on your loans whenever you can. Even an extra $50 per month can make a big difference in the total amount you’ll owe over the life of the loan.

best way how to pay off student loans with a credit card

Finally, stay on top of your loans and keep track of payments. You don’t want to miss a payment and damage your credit score accidentally. By being diligent, you can ensure that you’re making the best decisions for your financial future.

Paying off your student loans doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By taking the time to understand your options and make a plan, you can pay off your debt without breaking a sweat. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Is This The Right Choice For You?

You’ve probably seen the commercials: “0% APR for 18 months” or “No interest if paid in full within 12 months” They sound too good to be accurate, but is using a credit card to pay off your student loans a smart move? There are a few things to consider before you make a decision.

First, let’s look at the interest rates. Most student loan interest rates are around 6%, while credit card interest rates can be anywhere from 12-30%. So, if you’re unable to pay off your balance within the introductory period, you could pay a lot more in interest.

Second, consider your credit score. If you have good credit, you may be able to qualify for a 0% APR card. However, if your credit isn’t so great, you may only be able to get a card with a high-interest rate. That being said, using a credit card can help you build up your credit score if you make your payments on time and in full each month.

Third, think about whether or not you’re comfortable with debt. If you’re not used to having debt, it can be difficult (and stressful) to make monthly payments on time. On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with debt and good at managing your finances, using a credit card to pay off your student loans could be an excellent option.

Only you can decide if using a credit card to pay off your student loans is the right choice for you. Be sure to research and consider all the factors before making a decision.

Steps To Pay Off Your Student Loans With Credit Cards

When it comes to paying off your student loans, a few different options are available to you. One option is to pay off your loans with credit cards. Here are the steps you need to take to do so:

  • Contact your student loan servicer and ask if they accept credit card payments. Not all loan servicers do, so this is an essential first step.
  • If they accept credit card payments, find out the minimum payment amount. It will help you budget for your payment.
  • Make sure you have enough available credit on your credit card to cover the minimum payment amount. If you don’t, you may need to open a new line of credit, or balance transfers from other cards will work too.
  • Once you have the necessary funds available, pay your loan servicer using your credit card. Please keep track of your payment so you can budget for them in the future.

Paying off your student loans with credit cards can be a great way to save money on interest and get out of debt faster. Just follow the steps above and budget carefully to make sure you can afford the payments.

Related FAQs

How Do I Know If This Is a Good Idea for Me? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the right decision depends on your unique financial situation. However, there are a few general things to keep in mind:

1. You’ll need excellent credit to be approved for a 0% APR balance transfer card.
2. You’ll need to be confident that you can stick to a strict budget and pay off your debt within the promotional period.
3. You’ll need to ensure you are comfortable with the potential risks.

What Are the Risks of This Strategy?

Before paying off your student loans with a credit card, there are a few potential risks. First, if you cannot stick to your budget and pay off your debt within the promotional period, you’ll be stuck with a high-interest rate on your remaining balance. Additionally, if you miss a payment or make a late payment, you may be charged an additional balance transfer fee by your credit card issuer. Finally, remember that using a credit card can help you build your credit history—but only if you use it responsibly.

What If I Can’t Get Approved for a Balance Transfer Card?

If you cannot get approved for a credit card balance transfer, don’t worry—other options are still available. You could consider taking out a personal loan from a bank or credit union, or you could look into refinancing your student loans. Remember, the most important thing is to do your research and choose the option that’s right for you.

Regardless of your strategy, remember that it’s essential to create a budget and stick to it. By doing so, you’ll be on your way to becoming debt-free in no time!


Overall, using a credit card to pay off your student loans can be a great way to save money on interest and get out of debt faster. Just remember to do your research, create a budget, and stick to it.

And if you have any questions, be sure to ask a financial advisor. They can help you figure out what strategy is right for you.

Do you have experience with paying off student loans with credit cards? What tips would you add? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below!

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